Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ice ice baby

See more ice hotel photos on my flickr page.

Front entrance of l'Hotel de Glace

Lobby of the Ice Hotel

Staying at the l'Hotel de Glace was an unforgettable experience.  

It was cold, but wasn't as bad as I expected.  Compare to the -30 degree temperature outside, -4, -5 indoor seemed like nothing.  Nevertheless, it was an ice room, and it was cold.  Even though we were provided with heavy duty sleeping bags, I was still dragging moving into the hotel rooms.  

I sat in the warm locker area until I was very very tired, (well... the staff turned off the lights), to ensure I could sleep through the night.

Woke up a couple of times during the night.  It wasn't so bad.  I wasn't very warm, but I wasn't cold.  Hearing people running to the washrooms put a smile on my face.  That gotta be brutal.  Hehe.

The morning came, and unlike the usual me, I didn't feel like sleeping in.  I'm sure you understand why.  All I could think about was the fastest way to get out of the sleeping bag, put on the robe and run to the locker room.

The night at the ice hotel made the next night at the normal hotel room heavenly.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

That first picture looks like it's a first person video DOOM...doesn't look real. ;-) Probably because it's scaled down.