Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Can a zombie reach Nirvāna?


The air was hot and humid. Lying on the sweat drenched mat. Breath in. Breath out.
The warm air was quite soothing and just as I thought I could fall asleep, a soft voice said:"Free your mind. Let your mind be empty. Let all the thoughts escape. Just breath........"

Well, guess what?!! Everything came back! Each and every single thought that I was so ready to "let go", CAME BACK. Just why did she have to say that! I was perfectly fine before her soft and tender voice.

While everyone else was enjoying being a corpse, I was struggling not to jump up and scream. I opened my eyes. I can still be a corpse with eyes open, right? (Though, usually that means the person has unfinished business...) But, a corpse is not suppose to have thoughts...or is it? That would make it a zombie.

Can a zombie reach Nirvāna?

I guess not. Zombies are not free from craving and anger and thus subject to suffering.

Then can a Corpse? A corpse has no thought, no feeling, no nothing except the physical body. And it has no attachment to the physical body. Let it rot, see if the corpse cares. But then, Corpse doesn't care about Nirvāna either. It is the empty shell which we need to let go also.

What can reach Nirvāna is the mind. An empty mind....okay, not empty, but liberated mind that no longer clings.....That's nice...but what am I if all I have is my mind. A spirit I guess.

An empty, no, liberated spirit....what does that mean?

All I want is to have a nap. And that's too much to ask, because "want" is not wanted in Nirvāna.


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